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CAD files or product request - made easy with WINKEL partlist.

With the WINKEL partlist you are able to make a request with multible products or generate different CAD files with one click. The choosen products you find always on the right side of the browser on top in the blue box. There you can edit your partlist, you can choose accessoires or delete items.

Select a product - Step 1

Within all WINKEL products you find buttons "product into the partlist", click on the button and the product move into your personal partlist.

Open partlist - Step 2

With a click into the blue box on the right browser frame the partlist will open, now you are able the change the amount, choose other products or accessoires or generate CAD files. Choose the needed CAD format and give us your contact details. If you would like to make a product request, please press the button "Request offer", we also need for this your contact datas.

Generate and download CAD files - Step 3

CAD files will generate all in one, die files will generated in the background and offer you a ZIP file for download. Please safe this file on your computer.

The selected products will be safed until your next visit but not longer than 14 days, after this will be deleted automaticly. To safe your personal informations we are using Cookies, learn more about Cookies you find more infomration Use of Cookies.

User with a registered profile just have to login and your datas will be availiable, missing entries you need to fill into the form.

WINKEL parts list - this video shows you how easy it is.