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SLE Linear Axis - Heavy Duty Version
The dirt insensitive linear axis

SLE Linear Axis Heavy Duty - Shortfacts

Type Payload in kg Repeatability Speed
SLE 300 300 ± 0,5 mm up to 2,5 m/s
SLE 500 500 ± 1,0 mm up to 2,5 m/s
SLE 1000 1000 ± 1,0 mm up to 2,5 m/s
SLE 2000 2000 ± 1,5 mm up to 2,5 m/s
SLE 4000 4000 ± 2,0 mm up to 2,5 m/s

Axis systems Serie SLE

WINKEL SLE Linienportal 1:36
In the video it is shown and describe how the WINKEL Axis systems Serie SLE is working for high load capacities up to 6.000 kg, dirt resistant …

WINKEL SLE Linear Axis in Heavy Duty Version - the dirt insensitive linear axis.

WINKEL Axis systems Serie SLE are economical designed and built systems for high load capacities up to 4.000 kg, dirt resistant.

The robust and inexpensive linear axis for medium precise applications with low backlash, in combination with hardened racks and modular steel profile construction suitable for your application.

WINKEL SLE Linear Axis in Heavy Duty Version comes with rigid steel profiles and adjustable WINKEL Bearing units for less clearance between bearing and rail. Motors alternatively in AC or servo version in combination with low-friction gears. Heavy Duty Version for Applications in palletizing technology, automotive industry, steel and building materials industry and wood industry.

The dirt-resistant linear axis under the WINKEL linear axis.

WINKEL SLE Linear Axis in Heavy Duty - Productfacts

  • high load capacity, dirt resistant, inexpensive
  • WINKEL linear system, low backlash, in combination with hardened racks
  • modular steel profile construction suitable for your application
  • motors alternatively in AC or servo version in combination with low-friction gears
  • suitable vertical axis and telescopic axis
  • suitable turning modules on request
  • central lubrication on request
  • robust design for 3 shift application
  • low maintenance
  • short delivery time
  • CAD downloads available for your layouts

WINKEL SLE linear axis - Accessories

  • Swivel arms
  • Stakeout for the vertical axis
  • Rod clamping
  • Central lubrication system
  • Clamping elements for guide rails

  Unit Indication SLE-300 SLE-500 SLE-1000 SLE-2000 SLE-4000
max. load under Z axis [kg]   300 500 1000 2000 2 x 2000
length carriage [mm] Ls 904 904 1348 1434 1534
stroke horizontal (6m axis) [mm] Lh 4660 4660 4220 4130 4030
overlift horizontal [mm] Rh 100 100 100 100 100
length horizontal [mm] Lh tot. lh + 1340 Lh +1340 Lh +1780 Lh + 1870 Lh + 1970
gear horizontal [mm]   Modul 5 Modul 5 Modul 5 Modul 5 Modul 5
height carriage [mm] Lsv 840 840 862 1166 1166
stroke vertical [mm] Lv 1000 2000 2000 2500 2500
overlift vertical [mm] Rv 50 50 50 50 50
total length vertical [mm] Lv tot. Lv + 1180 Lv + 1180 Lv + 1280 Lv + 1590 Lv + 1590
gear vertical [mm]   Modul 5 Modul 5 Modul 6 Modul 8 2 x Modul 8
distance axis [mm] Sa 311 311 377 444 444
Bearing distance vertical [mm]   580 580 580 825 825
max. length each section [mm]   12000 12000 12000 12000 12000
max. speed [m/s] v 2,0 2,0 2,0 1,0 0,5
max. acceleration [m/s²] a 2,0 2,0 2,0 1,0 0,1
environmental temp. [°C]   5-45°C
not condensing
not condensing
not condensing
not condensing
not condensing
max. column distance
total length as desired
[mm]   6000 6000 6000 6000 6000

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