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Coil turning units

WINKEL Coil turning units

WINKEL Coil-Dreh-Wender 1:29
The video shown the the space saving and secure coil turning unit. Safe and fast turning operation without lifting straps. Security and …

WINKEL Coil turning units & Coil turning/tilting unit

WINKEL Coil turning units are economical designed and built systems for load capacities up to 10t.

The space saving and secure coil turning unit. Safe and fast turning operation without lifting straps. Security and efficiency for your optimized working place.

Coil turning unit of the type C 5 and C 10 are availiable as turning units (Type C 5 W and C 10 W) or as turning/rotation unit (Typ C5 WD und C 10 WD).

Special coil turning units on request

Advantages WINKEL Coil turning units & Coil turning/tilting unit

  • safe and fast turning operation without lifting straps
  • no damage to coils during turning
  • space saving construction
  • easy loading from one side (Series WD)
  • easy mounting, ready to plug in
  • the coil turning units come with a control panel
  • safety guards on request

Overview coil turning unit

Type Coil weight
max. in t
Coil diameter Ø
max. in mm
Coil height
max. in mm
Tilting Turning Operation time
approx. in seconds
C 5 W 5 1.600 1.200 14
C 5 WD 5 1.600 1.200 14
C 10 W 10 1.900 1.600 30
C 10 WD 10 1.900 1.600 30

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