
Pursuant to § 4g BDSG (Federal Data Protection Act), the data protection officer must make available upon request and in an appropriate way the information detailed in § 4e BDSG.
We meet his obligation directly in this place. Thereby you as the concerned persons do not need to specifically submit us a written application.

  1. General:
    It is of great importance to us to guarantee data protection and protect your personal rights. We have deep respect for everyone, including our customers and suppliers and all those who have contact with or co-operate with us. For this reason, you can be sure that we handle your personnel data responsibly.

  2. Name of responsible entity:
    Winkel GmbH
    Seat and register court: Amtsgericht Mannheim
    Register number: HRB 511826
    Tax ID no.: DE144 525 771

    Responsible representative:
    Chief executive officers
    Ing. August Winkel
    Dipl. Ing. Christian Winkel
  3. Head of IT:
    Martin Rehberg

  4. Address of responsible entity:
    Winkel GmbH
    Am Illinger Eck 7
    75428 Illingen

  5. Purpose of data collection, processing, use:

    Sale of system components in the field of heavy-load linear guidance and handling unit construction technique and sale of components in unit construction system.  

    Data is collected, processed and used at Winkel GmbH in order to accomplish the purposes mentioned above.  

  6. Groups of people affected, data and categories of data:
    - Employee data
    - Customer data
    - Suppliers data

  7. Recipients to whom data can be disclosed:
    - External customers and contractors in accordance with § 11 BDSG
    - External bodies and internal departments in order to fulfil the business purposes listed above.

  8. Time limits for the deletion of data:
    Legislation prescribes a variety of obligations and periods concerning the retention and deletion of data. After such periods have expired, the relevant data is routinely deleted. Where such data is not affected by this, it is deleted, if it is no longer needed to fulfil the purposes mentioned above.

  9. Planned transfer of data to third countries (outside of European Union):
    - Data is not currently transferred nor is such transfer planned.