105 Lmax = 6 m Lmax = 6 m Lmax = 6 m Lmax = 6 m EDELSTAHL Rostfrei EDELSTAHL Rostfrei EDELSTAHL Rostfrei EDELSTAHL Rostfrei NEW NEW NEW m 10,4kg/m A 13,3cm2 lx 16,8cm4 Wx 6,6 cm3 ly 149,8 cm4 Wy 32,8 cm3 ey 1,3cm m 18,8kg/m A 23,9cm2 lx 54,4cm4 Wx 16,8cm3 ly 471,1cm4 Wy 78,9cm3 ey 1,8cm Standard 1 INOX-L 113.011.020 Standard 3 INOX-L 113.013.003 m 15,6kg/m A 19,9cm2 lx 27,4cm4 Wx 10,5cm3 ly 307,0cm4 Wy 56,4cm3 ey 1,4cm m 20,4kg/m A 26,0cm2 lx 38,3cm4 Wx 15,1cm3 ly 487,1cm4 Wy 80,3cm3 ey 1,6cm Standard 2 INOX-L 113.012.010 Standard 2 INOX-light 113.012.021 WINKEL - Profili in acciaio inossidabile tipo L Tipo materiale piastre UNS S30400 (USA), Grade 304S18 (UK), Z 6 CN 18.09 (France) Profili in elevata qualità di lavorazione In esecuzione saldati a laser In esecuzione sabbiata A richiesta forniti lavorati a disegno cliente WINKEL profiles in stainless steel type L profiles made of UNS S30400 (USA), Grade 304S18 (UK), Z 6 CN 18.09 (France) profile with higher manufacturing precision profiles laser welded profile stainless steel shot peened machined profiles according to customer drawings on request Num. articolo Article no. Num. articolo Article no. Num. articolo Article no. Num. articolo Article no. Guide lineari | Linear guides WINKEL Profili | WINKEL profiles